10th – 30th June 2014
New paintings
Private views:
Tuesday June 10th, 6.30 – 8.30pm
Thursday June 12th, 6.30 – 8.30pm
Sunday June 15th, 12.00 – 3.00pm
Open days:
Wednesday June 18th 12.00 – 6.00pm
Wednesday June 25th 12.00 – 6.00pm
Viewing by appointment at other times
For further information contact Jonathan Ross: Phone 07747 807576
or jross@gallery286.com

The New Paintings exhibition features fine examples of both these strands in Daniel’s practice but the essential element that connects all the paintings is his studio. Working from a house in West London for the past few years has proved inspirational, and the interiors that he depicts are the distillation of an artist’s life.
Illuminated with a fairly constant indirect light, it is the inclusion and exclusion of objects that make the radical differences to the compositions. The structure of the rooms may be recognisable from one canvas to another, but the viewpoint changes and the visitors to the rooms come and go – a man with a violin, an elegant bearded figure in a grey suit, a slender young woman in jeans, or the artist himself in a variety of guises. The still life set-ups hint at the seasons changing.
Everything an artist does is a matter of choice, from the selection of the subject matter to the colour of the paintmark he decides to place next to the previous one, and Daniel has that ability to make the right choices, so the eye moves with pleasure over the surface of the canvas, enjoying his depiction of volume, colour, and the light which animates them. These are the sort of paintings that it would be a pleasure to live with.
You get the feeling too that, if one were to commission a portrait from him, the process would be enjoyable and the outcome satisfactory. His sitters have a relaxed look about them brought about, no doubt, by his easy temperament or, perhaps, by his excellent taste in music?
June is a lovely month to visit Gallery 286 and we look forward to welcoming you to an exhibition we feel certain will be well received.
Videos of Daniel Shadbolt’s work in the exhibition: