Image: Camilla Shivarg by Jon Mitton
Camilla Shivarg’s sculptures populate the award winning garden located behind Gallery 286, which is open to the public during Summer gallery private views and the Chelsea Festival.  She has also exhibited her work within the gallery (links to these shows will appear here shortly).

“I am a modeller rather than a carver and my favourite mediums are clay and wax. My work is either cast in Bronze or Bronze Resin, or fired at a high temperature to get a good colour and to make the larger pieces frost-proof.

I aim to achieve a timeless quality in my work. When a model is naked there are no references to the time we are in and I hope that in a hundred years, should the work still exist, the dignity and vitality that I found in the model will still strike a chord”.

T: 020 7373 0080 E:

Trained at Chelsea and Wimbledon Art Schools.
BA in Fine Art Painting.
Afterwards studied sculpture with Karin Jonzen.

Exhibitions include –
The Guardian’s ‘Art for Sale’ at Whiteleys
Solo and Group shows at the Edith Grove Gallery
Carlos Lozano Gallery – Cadaques, Spain
‘Art for Youth’ at Mall Galleries
‘A Celebration of Sculpture’ at the Chelsea Arts Club
‘St.James Group Portrait Show’ – Henry Wyndham Gallery
Nine Elms Group Show
Bath Arts Fair
Chelsea Festival
Solo and Group shows at Gallery 286

“Camilla Shivarg’s sculpture shows neither the modern taste for idiosynchratic self-exhibitionism nor the imitative realism of the figure, but a real fusion of the subject and the artist.

There are no figures just like hers, and her portraits will continue to be admired for this quality and not at all for just being a replica of the sitter.

Her dancers and acrobats have inherent rhythm and grace, without a trace of ‘arrested movement’ – the petrified look that mars so much sculpture.”

Karin Jonzen (FRBS)